Thank you so much for sharing one of my recent posts, Jenna. I’m glad it resonated 🥰

I’ve also picked journaling up again after having a break for a few months. It’s been such a huge support to me over the years. I first made journaling a regular practice after being diagnosed with PND with my firstborn and have never looked back. I’m just dipping in and out at the moment, doing a ‘glimmer practice’ (which I touch on in today’s post), and find every little helps 💛

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You are welcome, I love your writing. It's lovely to hear about your experience with journalling too, and how it's helped you too. I like that you can just pick it up as and when you need to, but it's so useful to have a tool that you can use to get all of your thoughts out on to a page, I find it really eases my anxiety. Really enjoyed your post on glimmers, that's a great idea to record them too, as I'm sure you get the same benefit reading back over the glimmers as you do in the moment too.

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I loved reading your updates, thoughts and wise words. The passionflower is absolutely beautiful, they are quite astounding!

I have just re-found some journaling within (most of) my days which had felt impossible. I loved reading Katherine May’s post about notebooks which seemed to take the pressure off for me in that it doesn’t have to be a neat, consistent practice and to embrace the messiness! I know what you mean about it helping to feel less frazzled.

I love the sound of your podcast and the bonus episode on intuition. After really losing touch with my inner voice after pushing myself and my body too hard, I feel as though motherhood has really led me to tuning out external noise and finding my intuition again.

Thank you SO much for featuring my September post in your roundup, it really means a lot to be included (alongside such brilliant writers).

I recently loved reading Sarah Robertson’s intro post, Joanna Wolfarth’s writing about mothering time and Claudia Wilde’s piece about holding space xx

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Thank you for your lovely kind words Lyndsay! It's an amazing plant, so pretty to see the purple and white flowers pop up here and there in my garden.

It's lovely to re-discover journalling isn't it, I go through phases where I forget how much it helps me. I'll have to read that post, embracing the messiness sounds like my kind of practice too!

Thank you, glad the podcast resonates and I love that motherhood has led you to finding your intuition again. It's ot easy to tune out the external noise, but gosh when we can, that kind voice we hear just feels so comforting.

You are welcome, honestly your writing inspires me so much! I love the sound of those Substack posts too, looking forward to checking those out! X

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