
I'm Jenna, I live by the sea in Penarth near Cardiff, UK with my husband and 3 kids. My daughter is 9, my middle son is 6 and my youngest son is nearly 19 months. What lights me up is connecting with other mums on a deep level, hearing about their motherhood experiences, coaching mums, holding retreats, writing my Substack, reading romance books, walks on the beach, exploring new places as a family and crocheting huge colourful blankets. My biggest challenge as a mum atm is sleep deprivation and balancing being a stay at home mum with running my coaching business. All of the creative women I've made connections with on Substack hugely inspire me. Also business-wise Leonie Dawson is a big inspiration for me, because she does things her way. My Substack is about supporting mums to make positive changes in their lives, the ups and downs of life as a mum of three and behind the scenes of my coaching business. I also host my podcast, The Inspiring Mums Podcast here on Substack too.

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So lovely to hear more about you Kylie-Ann ❤️. The juggle between being at home with the kids and fitting work around that is so tough. I always enjoy your writing ❤️. I hear you on the siblings fighting too, my eldest two are similar!! Oh I love Clover Stroud too, her books are so so good - her raw depiction of motherhood is inspiring. I listened to a great podcast with Clover and Annie Ridout last week. Yes to the having a lot to say too, I'm here for it!! I feel this too, about community being the missing piece. Thanks so much Kylie-Ann!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenna Folarin

Hi Jenna! Thanks for this space. I love the idea of a community of mums here in substack.

I’m Kylie-Ann. I live nearish London, on the way the Kent, we picked it off a train route map and we are still new here! I’m originally from Bournemouth & my partner is from Dublin. We live with our two sons who are 4 and nearly 2.

I stay at home with them most of the week so I think my main challenge is accepting that and trying to find/do freelance design work as well. I’m a pack designer but also trying to get small brand identity jobs. I am also trying to write which is something I love to do. My sons always fight so that’s my day to day challenge 😂

I am inspired daily by the lovely reads on substack it’s hard to name someone in particular. I wish I could write as beautifully as some one like Clover stroud. I also find Kerry Hudson very inspiring, she has a similar background to me although not exactly the same but I look to her for what is possible. Maggie O’farrell as well is 🔥 my fave author probably I wish I could weave words together like that!

My Substack Distracted is about the struggles of life through the lens of motherhood. I am trying to write honestly to enable connection through the harder times. Tbh I have found everything difficult since my kids were born so I have a lot to say and I am so bored of the glossy Insta mums making it seem easy!

I am keen to find community in person and online I’m starting to see it is a vital piece missing from our life at the minute 🙌🏻

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1000% here for the un-glossed version of motherhood!

It’s relentless and exhausting and hard and why does no one tell you that before you’re knee deep in it?! 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

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Yes, same here Zoe, I'm all for the unglossed version too! Too true, and realising that we are all finding it tough (because it is tough) makes us feel less alone too x

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This reminds me we must try and meet because we are really not far from eachother! Xx

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Thank you so much for the invitation to connect! I love this community so much. I’m based in a little village in Kent, my daughters are 4 and 10 months. What lights me up... right now the prospect of having a whole day at a spa... and maybe a nights sleep! But also I am very lit up by my writing, my creative work with design and web clients, as well as holding space in group and 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring sessions... I love women’s circles (and wish I was closer to join your retreat) and I love being in nature. My biggest challenge as a Mum at the moment is sleep deprivation and constant questions over allergies and digestive challenges with my baby... and holding my eldest daughters rage and frustration which seems to be extremely BIG right now. My other biggest challenges as a Mum are not falling into martyrdom, regulating my own anger, making sure I’m topped up enough to support the family, and being torn between wanting to be present with my girls AND having huge creative dreams! Wow... I seem to have a lot of challenges! 🤪

I’m super inspired by so many... Sarah Blondin and Lisa Oliviera are two of my favourite writers. Sarah’s meditations add balm to my heart!

My Substack is about the truth and messy moments of motherhood, about being human and real and work in progress, about learning and growing, about creativity and following our heart and soul work, and about nourishing ourselves wholly.

This was such a lovely invitation! Thank you! Xxx

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‘being torn between wanting to be present with my girls AND having huge creative dreams’

I felt those words deep in my soul 😆❤️ this is my exact predicament and I just can’t seem to balance it!

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Oh me neither! I sometimes feel like I’m closer to it and then it seems to slip through my fingers. I’m learning to accept it more but... gosh it’s not easy! Xx

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It's lovely to hear more about you Lauren, thank you for sharing. The prospect of a full night's sleep would be at the top of my list too tbf!! My youngest is currently asleep on my lap as I type this. I love how much joy your work brings you and could really feel that in the workshop that I came along to a few weeks ago. Wish you lived closer too for the retreat - women's circles are just so powerful, something I'm only just realising after running my retreats. I really feel for you with the no sleep and the allergies and digestive issues, so so hard when they are little and they can't tell you as much. Plus it depends on what kind of advice and care you get too. I love those challenges you listed though because by focusing on those things, you are teaching your daughters a whole new way of mothering and inspiring them too.

I'll have to check out Sarah Blondin - also a fan of Lisa Oliviera. And as you know, I love your Substack, your writing is just beautiful.

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I love this ❤️

Thank you so much for sharing my work too 🙏🥰

I’m Zoe, I live in a small village just outside of Durham, in the North East of England. I have a husband and two children. My eldest is coming up 10 and my youngest is 3. Both me and my eldest are autistic and it’s been hard learning that. Online spaces like this feel safe and accessible compared to real life and I’m forever grateful for them.

I’m doing too many things and finding it hard to slow down so an online circle sounds lovely. I wish I could come on Saturday ❤️ maybe next time I can tie it in with a break away, I do love Wales.

I also quite like the idea of running one together 🥰 if you’d fancy it?

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Thanks Zoe - and you are welcome - honestly that piece you wrote recently was just superb!

I can imagine that has been really tough for you both to navigate. Gosh, I really feel you on the doing too many things and finding it hard to slow down too - I'm trying to tune into this seasonal energy of letting things go, to kind of realise what I need to step away from. Oh I wish you could too, that would be lovely, would be so great meet you! Yes, I would absolutely be up for this Zoe, how lovely, thank you for asking! Feel free to email me on jennafolarin@gmail.com about it x

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Jan 11Liked by Jenna Folarin

Hi! I’m Mariah and I live in Eastern TN in the U.S. My little one is 18 months and such a delight in my life! What lights me up is connecting with others, hearing and listening to each other’s stories, offering words of encouragement, hiking in the woods, baking new recipes, and following the trail of inspiration.

My biggest challenge as a mom is feeling isolated in a new community and my internal conflict with staying home with my son and also missing the social aspect of working and feeling like my self-esteem/self-worth is starting to decline.

My Substack Heartbeats is a community for caregivers, artists, and anyone who needs a place to belong and show up as their authentic, messy, human self. I share personal reflections on grief, motherhood, and my creative journey but also encourage others to share their own stories through my “Pathfinders” series.

I’m inspired by witches, women, artists, my son and everyone who is taking back their power and living from their Wholeness. Also, Oprah. She’s an incredible force in this world.

I look forward to connecting with more moms and sharing our stories!

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Hey Mariah, it's so lovely to hear more about you ❤️ - love the sound of all those things that light you up too ✨️. I totally get what you are saying as well about your challenges as a mum. Your Substack and podcast sound fantastic too ❤️. Looking forward to connecting more xx

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Jenna Folarin

Hi everyone, thanks for holding this space Jenna. My name is Hilary and I'm based in Reading, UK. My little boy is 3. What lights me up? Finding out recently that I like nothing more than to jump around dancing to 'This is the life' by Amy Macdonald. Plus knowing that I can take things a day at a time, and I can try again tomorrow. My biggest challenge as a mum at the moment is remembering that I'm doing my best and to enjoy the struggles as much as the laughs, tickles and cuddles. Night terrors - ahoy! At the moment, who inspires me? This might sound a bit off, but... "me". 2023 has been the year for learning about me. I will never forget how far I have come since becoming a mum in the pandemic and what I am showing up to do every day for myself and my little boy. I'm also inspired by the community of mums I am finding here on Substack who write and share with vulnerability and humility. What’s my Substack about? This learning journey that I'm on. I'm calling it 'my fallow years'. A time when the soil is left to recover.

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Hey Hilary, lovely to hear more about you - I haven't listened to that Amy Macdonald song but I need to know, it's amazing what difference one song can make to your mood - I had a little sing-along in the car with my daughter last night on the way to netball, to Whitney Houston, it put us both in a good mood! I love that about taking things one day at a time, and trying again tomorrow, it's like a sign of relief just writing that isn't it - knowing that we don't have to do everything all at once. Knowing that we don't have to get things right all of the time. Yes, balancing it all - night terrors are tough to deal with too. No, not at all, I think that's amazing that you are inspiring yourself, and the journey that you've been on too - it's so important to look back and realise how far you've come, celebrate all of your hard work!! Your Substack sounds fantastic, and what a great idea to record this journey that your on, excited to see where it takes you! x

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Ahhh I loved this post and your mini-retreat sounds beautiful, wish I could join!

Thank you for this lovely invitation to connect here...I’m Lyndsay, I live in a leafy ish part of North London with my husband, my 3 year old daughter and 1 year old son (they turn 4 and 2 in January so a busy festive time ahead!)

What lights me up is having time to tend to my creativity in whatever what that shows up, deep soul connections, collaboration and community, so Substack ticks a lot of those boxes! I also love walks in the woods, living seasonally/cyclically, folky music, brunching with friends and spending time in my garden! Oh and Strictly Come Dancing...!

My biggest challenge right now is balancing the needs of my two children, mediating disputes between them (!) also getting a restful night’s sleep as I am more often than not sandwiched between them! Also finding a sweet spot between my tie to them whilst also nourishing my creative aspirations.

Yes very much inspired by other writers and mothers I have met here and all of the women close to me in my life.

My Substack is about the intersection between mothering, creativity and the living world, based around my home and garden through the seasons — with space to evolve! Xx

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Thanks so much Lyndsay, I wish you lived closer!

Lovely to hear more about you, and wow a busy few months ahead with Xmas and your kids birthdays too! I love how you talk about your creativity, and totally agree, Substack ticks those boxes for me too. Oh gosh yes, the arguing between the kids, I hear you there!! Finding that sweet spot too, when you can do balance the kids and your creativity, it's an amazing feeling, everyone benefits from you having that creative time don't they. Just love your Substack, your writing is gorgeous, and has really inspired me to connect with the seasons more. xx

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Yes, really should start to wrap my head around the upcoming festivities! Navigating the disagreements is difficult (especially with a 22 month old who has no real concept of sharing etc!) and trying to go about it understanding everyone’s POV! Thank you so much for saying, I am so happy that you enjoy reading and the feeling is mutual! xx

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Jenna Folarin

Ah Lyndsay our children are almost same age (4 in nov, 2 in jan) and I can relate both to the busy time of year (how have I not started thinking about Xmas yet?!) and the mediating disputes. Oh my gosh! Mine are both boys and the play fighting seems to have started much earlier than I thought it would. Pleased to know it’s not just me 😩 😂

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Oh wow, so close! Always find it interesting to think of others on a similar timeline and all of the overlaps we will have had over the past few years. It’s intense (and lovely) and will get easier right?! Oh yes, my head is def not in the practicalities of the upcoming festivities at all yet...! Oh gosh re the play fighting, our disagreements inevitably turn into physicality very quickly, it’s almost as if it is an immediate reaction when the words aren’t always at fingertips. Exhausting!! xx

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