seems like you've had a very productive month - and hurrah for more sleep!

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Thanks Sarah, it's been more productive than I thought which is nice! Gosh yes, more sleep is always welcome!!

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May 27, 2023·edited May 27, 2023Liked by Jenna Folarin

I love your monthly review, Jenna. I think it’s such a good idea to do these as you realise you’ve achieved so much more than what you think. Thanks for linking to my piece, so glad it was helpful.

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Thanks so much Helen, so kind of you to say! I really enjoyed bringing it together, will be nice to read back on them in months to come too. Absolutely, reflecting is so important isn't it. Really enjoyed the piece I linked to and the one about Austin Kleon's book too, really made me step back and think, thank you for that.

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