I love this list! I am jealous of your crocheting skills, I want to learn something like that to keep my mind calmer, and hands busy…I feel like it would help with anxiety so much!

Really look forward to diving into your podcast! It was nice seeing you on the call with Lauren this morning too! To be in that space was so uplifting and can’t wait to learn and follow along more with you! 🤍

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Thank you for your comment Jennifer, I've only just seen this, sorry!! Oh gosh yes,that's why I took crochet up in the first place, to help with anxiety, it's very soothing. I taught myself on YouTube- the Bella Coco tutorials are great for beginners.

Aw I hope you enjoy the podcast!

Lauren's call was just fantastic wasn't it, such great energy. Thank you for your lovely words! Xx

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This is such a beautiful post and so many wonderful moments! Thank you for sharing them. First pair of wellies... so cute!! I love Dr Jemma... we had a conversation on my podcast a while ago and it was so wonderful. I can’t wait to listen to more of your pod!!! Xx

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Thank you Lauren ❤️, I'm so glad you enjoyed. Yeah he's definitely still getting used to the wellies 😄. Aw really, she's so lovely isn't she. I'll have to listen to that episode and the rest of your podcast too! Hope you enjoy - I've been recording guest episodes this last week so I'm looking forward to releasing those too 😀

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Thank you for your wonderful list of happy things (goodness we need it right now), your blanket is looking amazing, we are also at the little words stage with my son, it’s so funny and sweet. My daughter would love the spider web climbing frame, she is very much in a climbing everything phase! Thank you SO much for including me alongside such beautiful, brilliant writers, I’m so glad you related to my winding path of creativity in motherhood so far! xx

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Absolutely ❤️, things feel so heavy atm. Thank you, it's coming along slowly - so cute the little words they say ''Guh' means give me/over there/look all in one for my youngest, amazing how they make themselves understood. He's started tapping my arm or leg too to get my attention which is quite funny! Oh yes, the climbing, my daughter is the same, much more of a dare-devil than I ever was at her age!! You are welcome, I look forward to reading your beautiful writing each week ❤️

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Haha so sweet, I love how that covers three things. My little one has started saying "podgin" for porridge and "odgin" for orange, bless! Ah love the climbing bravery, although I find it a little terrifying at times I try not to show it! Thanks so much Jenna xx

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Love those words, podgin and odgin ❤️. Little daredevils aren't they! Xx

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Jenna I am so touched that you shared my post! My littlest is just starting to “get” words too: “all gone” and “YES!!” Are two favourites!

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I so related to what you were saying in your post! Aw so lush with those words, I really do love this stage where they are trying to communicate - it's crazy how much they understand before they can talk too. I seem to have completely forgotten when my eldest twowere at this stage! X

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I’m just the same and I just treasure it as it really does go so fast (and it’s so annoying to hear that first time around!)

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Same here, really treasuring these little moments with my youngest now, it does go too fast - well apart from the crap sleep, definitely not treasuring that 🤣!

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Mine enjoys his sleep…I’ve done NOTHING to make it so, I’m just lucky!!!

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That's amazing ❤️ - I've had 3 pretty rubbish sleepers but allergies and eczema don't help things on that front. My middle son is 6 and he's the only one without allergies and eczema and he's a superb sleeper now - he just gets up at the literal crack of dawn!! Can't have it all!

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Jenna Folarin

Ah I love your list ❤️ and looking forward to listening to your podcast too!

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Thak you Elizabeth ❤️, hope you enjoy listening! X

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I love this list! I keep notes on my phone of moments like these. It’s so easy to let them slip by unappreciated but they are life giving!

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Thank you Heidi, I'm so glad you enjoyed my list. Such a good idea to keep a list of your phone, we need those reminders often of the little moments, especially in the tough times ❤️

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Jenna Folarin

Thank you Jenna it’s so kind of you to mention me ❤️

I loved your list. It made me think back over my week and consider those lovely moments we had. My son is also learning to talk with little yes’s and it’s a joy to see! I think our sons would get on they love a digger too!

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I always love your posts, you are such a good writer..Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it and how cute, your son sounds very similar to mine. So sweet when they are just trying to talk, the 'yeps' are kind of like a yelp too! My middle son was dino mad, so I'm just glad my youngest is into something else - that dinosaur obsession lasted a looonngg time!!

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