The Motherhood Connection
The Inspiring Mums Podcast
S1 E5: Conversation with Jane from Wild Moon Wellbeing

S1 E5: Conversation with Jane from Wild Moon Wellbeing

Join me in Episode 5 of The Inspiring Mums Podcast for my very first guest conversation, where I talk to Jane from Wild Moon Wellbeing

We had such a beautiful and honest conversation where Jane shared;

🌟how she went from trying to do it all, to bringing change for her whole family by taking small steps to look after herself

🌟how creating her own toolbox of things that could support her, helped her deal with motherhood better

🌟how paying attention to her menstrual cycle was life changing and she now plans her life around her cycle

🌟 how she got really clear on what she wanted in her life and that's when big changes started happening for her and her family

🌟 how her work is all about helping women to remember and reclaim themselves

We also talked about self-care, the power of women's circles, feminine energy and anxiety.

I hope that this episode encourages you to give yourself a whole dose of compassion and that you enjoy listening to it, as much as I enjoyed recording it!

A little bit more about our podcast guest:

Jane is an intuitive mother of three and parent carer from Mid Wales, and the creator of Wild Moon Wellbeing, in which she offers healing, women’s circles and events for mothers and women, in her work as a Shamanic Healer, Energy Healer and Empowerment Coach/Advocate.

You can find out more about Jane's work here and say hi to her on Instagram here.

Quotes from this episode:

  • "Each time I've become a mum, I've become a different version of myself." - Jane (Wild Moon Wellbeing)

  • There's so much shame and stigma in finding motherhood hard. We really need to give ourselves a break." - Jane (Wild Moon Wellbeing)

  • "Learning about my menstrual cycle has been hugely beneficial to all my relationships - I now plan my life around my cycles. Cyclical living is something I embody and live by." Jane (Wild Moon Wellbeing)

  • "It can feel quite uncomfortable when you rest during bleed time, because we are told we have to keep going and be consistent. That doesn't work for women, our energy levels ebb and flow." Jane (Wild Moon Wellbeing)

You can check out the full shownotes here.

About me:

I'm Jenna, a mum of three and a Qualified Coach for Mums. I'm on a mission to help as many mums as possible to feel happier and to live a life that feels good to them.

I listen to overwhelmed and exhausted mums with young kids, talk about what they really want and need in their lives. Together we set goals and take small (totally do-able) steps, that create long-lasting change.

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The Motherhood Connection
The Inspiring Mums Podcast
The Inspiring Mums Podcast is an encouraging and uplifting podcast for mums who want to feel inspired to make positive changes in their lives.
I’m your host, Jenna Folarin, a mum of 3 and a Qualified Coach for Mums and I’m on a mission to help as many mums as possible to feel happier, and to live a life that feels good to them!
This podcast will help you do just that, as it will inspire you to think about what you really want and need as a mum, and I’ll share practical tips on how you can actually make that happen.
I’ll also be talking to inspiring mums and sharing their stories, as well as having honest conversations about the tough parts of motherhood.
My hope is that this podcast inspires you to focus on yourself more, lifts you up and motivates you, and helps you feel less alone in your struggles in motherhood.