The Motherhood Connection
The Inspiring Mums Podcast
Slowing down this winter

Slowing down this winter

Practical ways to slow down and rest even at such a busy time of year

Join me in Episode 12 of The Inspiring Mums Podcast where I talk about the practical ways that you can slow down this winter, (even when you feel like you are too busy to slow down).

In this episode I talked about how:

⚡️slowing down this winter means you can connect to the seasonal energy more - which tells us to hibernate, reflect, retreat and rest

⚡️hard it can feel to slow down as mums, at such a busy time of year, even though that’s what the season of winter is all about

⚡️you can actually slow down in practical terms

⚡️lowering your expectations of what you can actually do with the time you’ve got available to you

⚡️saying no to things that are asked of you at this time of year, can help create that much-needed space for you

⚡️slowing down and resting will look different for everyone - whether it’s journalling, reading or having a mindful walk

⚡️the best thing we can do for ourselves when our brains are telling us to speed up and do more, is to slow down

⚡️One way that you can slow down is to brainstorm 5 ways that you love to relax and write them down. Put them in your notes app, and start to bring them into your daily life, even if you are just doing part of that thing, or just do it for a few minutes, it’s all going to help you slow down.

⚡️Three of my previous episodes might give you some inspiration to slow down too: 

  • Episode 3: Totally do-able self-care for busy mums:

  • Episode 4: 10 Minute Mini Retreat for Mums:

  • Bonus episode: How journaling has helped my mental health:

Quotes from this episode:

  • “When I'm exhausted, my brain tells me to do more, be more organised, do things quicker, it's this panicky frantic energy.” - Jenna Folarin

  • “The best thing we can do for ourselves when our brains are telling us to speed up and do more, is to slow down.” - Jenna Folarin

  • “We can't do it all, we can't go faster, we can't be more organised - we are just doing the best we can every day.” - Jenna Folarin

  • “Slowing down for you might look like lowering your expectations of what you can actually do with the time you've got available.” Jenna Folarin

Resources mentioned in this episode:

More about your podcast host:

I'm Jenna, a mum of three and a Qualified Coach for Mums. I'm on a mission to help as many mums as possible to feel happier and to live a life that feels good to them.

I love working with mums who have unspoken dreams inside of them and who are desperate to bring them to life, but their lack of self-belief holds them back.

It’s about wanting something more.

Whether it’s building a business alongside being a mum, changing your career and following your passions, being creative or just having more time for you - I’m the person to support you with that, so you can actually make it happen!

You have so many ideas of things you’d love to do, things that light you up and make you feel like you, but: 

  • you haven’t got the confidence to go for it

  • you can’t see how to get from the idea stage to actually making it happen

  • you don’t know where to start - it all feels too overwhelming 

  • you don’t know how to fit all of these things in with your busy life as a mum

  • you are worried that if you do that thing you love, you’ll be judged. Or you’ll fail

Here’s what’s going to make the difference in making your long-held unspoken dreams happen - having someone to:

  • support you

  • cheerlead you and encourage you

  • remind you of your strengths

  • really listen to you and 

  • keep you accountable 

That’s where I come in! 

Let’s work together to supercharge your motivation and make your dreams finally happen - I can’t wait to support you through this new, exciting chapter in your life!

Connect with me:

Work with me:



Substack: The Motherhood Connection

The Motherhood Connection
The Inspiring Mums Podcast
The Inspiring Mums Podcast is an encouraging and uplifting podcast for mums who want to feel inspired to make positive changes in their lives.
I’m your host, Jenna Folarin, a mum of 3 and a Qualified Coach for Mums and I’m on a mission to help as many mums as possible to feel happier, and to live a life that feels good to them!
This podcast will help you do just that, as it will inspire you to think about what you really want and need as a mum, and I’ll share practical tips on how you can actually make that happen.
I’ll also be talking to inspiring mums and sharing their stories, as well as having honest conversations about the tough parts of motherhood.
My hope is that this podcast inspires you to focus on yourself more, lifts you up and motivates you, and helps you feel less alone in your struggles in motherhood.