The Motherhood Connection
The Inspiring Mums Podcast
S1 E8:Conversation with Kate from The Dairy Free Mum

S1 E8:Conversation with Kate from The Dairy Free Mum

Join me in Episode 8 of The Inspiring Mums Podcast for a conversation with Kate from The Dairy Free Mum.We had a wonderful chat about life as allergy mums.

Kate shared:

🌟the CMPA (Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy) symptoms that her children had and how she felt fobbed off by doctors, so she did her own research

🌟 how much life changes when your child has an allergy

🌟how you are constantly living with anxiety as an allergy mum and worrying if you are doing everything you can to keep your child safe, happy and well

🌟 how we worry how other mums perceive us when we talk about allergies

🌟how allergy support varies massively across the UK

🌟why she started Dairy Free Mum – to share practical tips and recipes as well as to build a community and to help allergy parents feel less alone

🌟how hard parties and social occasions are when your child has an allergy 

🌟her experiences of eating out with food allergies

🌟some really good tips on travelling abroad with allergies

🌟how she’d love to use her platform to help impact positive change in the world of allergies

I have to say that for me personally, talking to another mum that understands the reality of life with allergies was really cathartic, so thank you for this chat Kate!

I hope that this episode is a real comfort to the allergy parents out there and helps you realise that you are not alone.

A little bit more about our podcast guest:

Kate is a mum of two (Violet, age 4 and Jude, age 1) from Essex. Both of her children have had Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA) and Kate set her up her instagram page @thedairyfreemum to share recipes, info and tips to help other parents going through an allergy journey. Her page now has over 60,000 followers and she has recently released an Ebook of dairy, soya, egg and nut free family-friendly recipes – available on her website.

Quotes from this episode:

  • "When you start your allergy journey on the backfoot, of feeling dismissed, you carry that feeling with you and you feel like you constantly have to prove that this is serious, and this is a real thing." - Kate, The Dairy Free Mum

  • "Being an allergy mum adds an extra layer to the already heavy mental load as mums." - Kate, The Dairy Free Mum

  • Seeing my child in distress with all of these symptoms, and feeling like I was going crazy because everyone said there was nothing wrong with her.” – Kate, The Dairy Free Mum

  • You have to change the way you shop, the way you eat, make sure your family and friends understand what your child can and can’t eat.” Kate, The Dairy Free Mum

  • You are constantly living with anxiety – am I getting this right for my child, am I doing everything I can to keep them safe and happy and well.” Kate, The Dairy Free Mum

  • Allergy parents are desperate for someone to understand what they are going through. It’s so comforting when someone knows what you are talking about, you feel seen.” – Jenna Folarin

Resources mentioned in this episode:

You can check out the full shownotes here. 

About me:

I'm Jenna, a mum of three and a Qualified Coach for Mums.

I'm on a mission to help as many mums as possible to feel happier and to live a life that feels good to them.

I listen to overwhelmed and exhausted mums with young kids, talk about what they really want and need in their lives.

Together we set goals and take small (totally do-able) steps, that create long-lasting change.

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The Motherhood Connection
The Inspiring Mums Podcast
The Inspiring Mums Podcast is an encouraging and uplifting podcast for mums who want to feel inspired to make positive changes in their lives.
I’m your host, Jenna Folarin, a mum of 3 and a Qualified Coach for Mums and I’m on a mission to help as many mums as possible to feel happier, and to live a life that feels good to them!
This podcast will help you do just that, as it will inspire you to think about what you really want and need as a mum, and I’ll share practical tips on how you can actually make that happen.
I’ll also be talking to inspiring mums and sharing their stories, as well as having honest conversations about the tough parts of motherhood.
My hope is that this podcast inspires you to focus on yourself more, lifts you up and motivates you, and helps you feel less alone in your struggles in motherhood.