Finally got around to reading this Jenna! What a beautiful post and I love your reflections on celebrating your achievements! We have such similar visions too. A podcast is in the works here and also a retreat. I would love to chat more on that with you at some point. Also love that you've made this all happen during nap times. Celebrating you! And thank you for the lovely mention. It's always such an honour to have someone include my words in their posts so know I appreciate it a lot xx

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Thank you for your lovely comment Claudia. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it. I love that we have similar visions too, your podcast and retreat plans sound exciting - I'd love to hear more and chat too! Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, it means a lot. You are welcome, I love your writing xx

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This is such a wonderfully uplifting post, you have achieved so much and you absolutely deserve to celebrate it all.

Thank you so much for sharing my words about autumn energy around the equinox, I’m so glad they resonated with you.

I too am marking a few months on Substack after it being a loose aim to look into it during 2023... I am so pleased that I managed to get myself set up (and I did just do it before I was ready/with nothing really in place as per your point!) and am figuring it out as I go along. I am proud of having stuck to a weekly ish schedule, also working mainly around the unpredictability of sleep but have already gained so much in terms of connection and creativity.

Look forward to seeing how the next few months unfold for you xx

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Thank you for your lovely comment Lyndsay. I am trying to practice what I preach by celebrating them, it's so easy to just move on to the next thing isn't it.

They really did, the way you talk about the seasons always inspires me.

I love that you are celebrating your time on Substack too - absolutely, starting before you are ready is often the best way! You should be so proud, I know how hard it is to navigate any kind of work schedule around the kids, you have done so so well and you should congratulate yourself too.

Thank you so much, and looking forward to the same for you xx

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Thank you for the mention, Jenna! I'm in the same boat as you working during nap times. Sometimes I wonder how I'm doing it, but I just am. Like you, everything that needs to get done, does get done. Congratulations on your achievements, I hope you can celebrate them fully 🥰

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It's good to hear that you are in the same boat too, and that you get your work done in the same way too. It is amazing what we can manage to get done isn't it!! Thank you so much ❤️

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Jenna Folarin

It's so Important to celebrate our achievements! I'm so pleased my Mabon offering sparked some inspiration for you personally. Lovely recommendations too 🍂

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It really is. I'm definitely guilty of just quickly moving onto the next thing, so stopping to reflect feels lovely. It was a lovely post, I'd love to hear how your honoured Mabon! I had so many recommendations this time, there is just such good writing here on Substack isn't there!!

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Jenna Folarin

It's a fab community, I'm loving it!

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