I agree! I love these kinds of posts too!

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Thanks for sharing Just One More Thing! So glad you enjoyed my piece on women's football. Scandalous stuff.

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No probs, such a great post! It is shocking the more you look into it isn't it.

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I love reading posts like this too! Substack is great for learning, but sometimes I just really want to know what bizarre tricks parents have to play on their children to get them through a tricky few hours! Mine was letting the baby watch Dugee whilst I covertly spooned her dinner into her mouth.

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So glad you liked it Abigail! I'm with you there!! My youngest loves Dugee too. It's so hard to get them to eat too isn't it and the stress that comes with that. How old is your youngest? With 3 now, it's just about surviving the day and getting through it - standards have dropped or expectations have lowered the more kids I've had, but I'm looking at that like a positive - away from my usual perfectionist self!

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I loved reading this post, Jenna! Sometimes the simple mundane of our everyday can be the most interesting. I wrote a day in the life post recently that I'm thinking about publishing on Sunday, but for some reason I'm feeling so nervous about it! Like it's too boring? I need to get over it and just post! Haha

Motherhood is HARD! It's beautiful, but man oh man it has some crazy moments. And I only have 1! I'm sure you're doing such an incredible job raising your three, though. What an honor it is to have little ones that drive us so crazy 😂

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Thank you for your lovely comment Hunter. You are so right, I think it's the everyday things we relate to the most sometimes. Gosh yes, totally relate to thinking that it's too boring, but I am sure it isn't - I'll look forward to reading it soon.

Yes, beautiful and hard, constant ups and downs and everyday is different isn't it. Thank you so much, and I am sure you are doing an amazing job with your little one too! They are just amazing, I do love seeing their personalities come through, my eldest is the feisty one that's for sure!!

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