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I had this realisation yesterday...

Plus my favourite recent Substack posts, 5 things that have made me happy so far this week & something I've created that's going to help you swap your overwhelm for calm and compassion.

I had a realisation yesterday

It’s another sunny day here in Cardiff - (maybe summer is here after all!) and I recorded this video at the top of this post, to tell you all about a realisation that I had earlier this week.

I was feeling totally overwhelmed with the plan that I’d set myself for everything that I needed to do in my business. I just didn’t know what to do first and my overwhelm totally stopped me in my tracks.

I’m sure this has come up before

Now, this is definitely a theme that runs through a lot of my posts here on Substack, so if you’ve been reading my posts for a while you’ll know this is something that comes up for me time and time again.

So anyway, yesterday, I’d had a lovely morning out with my youngest and think that the walk had given me some clarity. I had the realisation that I’d conquered overwhelm in other areas of my life, specifically in relation to self-care.

Could I learn something here?

And I wondered, what could I learn from the way that I approach self-care to make my business planning (and taking action) feel less overwhelming?

The way that I approach self-care is by doing tiny moments of self-care peppered throughout my day to soothe and calm me. It’s easy, it works and it’s completely achievable because I’ll always have a minute here or there in my day to do little moments of self-care.

How can I apply those lessons to my business?

  • By breaking down my business goals into small steps - OK, it might mean that I achieve my goals slower, but surely that’s better than feeling frozen and not taking any action.

  • By being realistic in what I can achieve in the time I have available to me and taking the pressure off of myself too.

Is this too vulnerable?

I did think to myself that maybe sharing that I get overwhelmed, when I am supposed to help mums with their overwhelm might not be the best thing to do.

Then I thought, well the fact that I do struggle with overwhelm too means I can empathise more with your struggles with overwhelm too. And isn’t there that saying of the things we struggle with the most, are the things that we are the best at helping others with? Or something like that!

Staying on the self-care theme…

If my approach of doing tiny moments of self-care throughout your day sounds like something you’d like and if you are a mum who wants to:

  • feel calmer and less overwhelmed

  • have more time just for you

  • have better relationships with your family because you feel calmer and less stressed

  • feel happier and more able to enjoy your kids

  • be kinder to yourself

Then you need the Bespoke Self-Care Plan in your life!

I need more self-care in my life!

The Bespoke Self-Care Plan is for you if:

  • You are a super busy mum who has no time for herself right now.

  • You are a mum with young kids and you’ve no idea how you are going to fit self-care into yourself (I’ll show you how!)

  • You want to take a realistic and slow approach to building a new habit (because everything already feels pretty overwhelming atm)

  • You are a mum who wants to work with someone who totally gets it and has struggled with motherhood herself (that’s me btw!)

  • You want to feel like a happier, calmer and overall less stressed human!

I’d love to support you to bring more self-care into your life over 12 weeks and motivate and encourage you along the way!

Here’s some of the results you can expect from the Bespoke Self-Care Plan:

Find out more

5 things that have made me happy so far this week:

  • Spending the morning with my youngest going for a walk on Cardiff Bay Barrage, he was so funny marching off doing his own thing, waving to the boats and swans

No mum, I’m not going in the buggy, and I’m also not going to hold your hand either thanks!
  • Buying myself these gorgeous sunflowers

  • My new giant stanley cup which is bigger than my head!

  • Getting this book - I’ve read 3 books out of 5 of the Boys of Tommen series so was pleased to pick this up in The Works for just £5:

  • Singing every word of this song driving in the sunshine - takes me back to being 17 and spending the summer with my childhood friends:

Substack posts I've enjoyed lately

I love how Natalie from

describes how relaxing reading feels to her in this post and I couldn't agree more with this:

“I even feel the tension start to seep out of my body and the pace of my thoughts start to slow down as I read. It brings me back to myself, firmly settling me in the here and now when my brain wants nothing more than to over-analyze the past and future.”

I enjoyed this post from author

on how she's proud to write comfort reads. I love how Libby explains part of her writing process here:

“Writing comfort reads is an absolute privilege. When I sit down to write I think about my words potentially being a hand reaching out to hold someone’s when they need it the most and it motivates me to keep going, to keep crafting stories that are emotional and true to life but most of all uplifting. “

I always enjoy Emily’s posts from

about simple pleasures she's enjoyed that month.

I loved this post from

all about how we can use our garden as our inspiration this summer to nurture our midsummer creativity. I loved these two quotes especially:

“Of course, there is beauty woven deeply into every season, but summer embodies an unapologetic resplendence and easeful wildness, that is both earthly and transcendent.”

“No matter the time of day, a midsummer garden feels dream-like with hints of mysticism — lush and abundant but wild and free.”

And finally, this post from

which is all about how much we share online of our kids. My stance on this has changed over the years and I'm more private than I used to be in sharing my kids names and faces. It's definitely something I'm mindful of and like Kylie says it's good to know our own boundaries around who feels good and what doesn't feel good to share online.

Thank you so much for reading and watching!

I'd love for you to join me in the comments and let me know:

  • What lesson keeps coming up for you to learn over and over again?

  • What has brought you joy this week?

  • What have been your favourite Substack reads lately?

  • What song reminds you of the summer when you were 17?