Aug 2Liked by Jenna Folarin

Thanks for the mention Jenna, I'm glad my thoughts resonated. I love your list of celebrations here. It's true, it's so easy to overlook these internal, invisible things but I think those achievements are probably the ones that most significantly impact the quality of our lives.

I particularly loved the image of you out and about with three children and even enjoying it. Imagine!

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Thank you for the inspiration Rahma! Yes, I agree, I was thinking this when I was writing the post, that actually the internal achievements mean more and have a lasting effect on you. It's unlocking another level of understanding about yourself too as well I think. Yes, enjoying my kids company instead of being so anxious and stressed that I can't - that's all I want really, a simple life and to soak up my kids because gosh they are growing too fast!! Hope you are having a lovely summer so far x

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So important to reflect on all of those inner celebrations and I am a huge fan of the sacred pauses… they always bring so much integration and allow for a greater expansion on the other side I find. Celebrating you Jenna xxx

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Thanks so much Lauren - it feels so good to pause doesn't it, especially when things feel so fast paced all of the time. You are so right, the pause leads to greater expansion and understanding too. Hope you are having a lovely summer so far and you get time to take your own sacred pause too xx

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