Hi Jenna, I absolutely agree with everything you've said here. I'm a mother of three too (22,19,& 17) and I'm still learning, growing, letting my conditioning go layer by layer. Because I've struggled with perfectionism as a mum, I'm now a coach for mums too - working with those who have perfectionist tendencies, a harsh inner critic or a need for control. And everything you've said here is what I would work through with clients. It's not our fault we feel like we are failing. It's the culture, our conditioning, our/other expectations. We need to practice self-compassion to give ourselves the safety we crave in the approval of others. We need to cultivate self-awareness to understand our conditioning, and make time to tune into our inner wisdom and trust ourselves, so we can parent from our heartspace.

I love that you are writing about all this here - the more of us that do so, the more mums we can inspire to believe they are amazing already and don't need to 'fix' themselves to be a 'better' mum. xxx

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Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment Thea. So nice to connect with a fellow mum of 3 with older kids and lots of wisdom I am sure. And you are a Coach for Mums too, love it!! I'm nodding to every part of your comment - especially the bit about it's our culture, conditioning and expectations that are at fault - and a lot of these are so hidden/ingrained in us that we can't see them. That was a huge part of being able to give myself self-compassion too - realising that, oh hang on, maybe it isn't my fault, there's other factors at play here. Yes and parenting from our heartspace, love that, being able to parent the way we want to and the way that feels good, instead of worrying that we are doing it all wrong.

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Apr 21Liked by Jenna Folarin

Yes to making our own rules and leaving societal expectations behind 💪🏼

It’s grounding to read that you still feel like you are working it out after 10 years of motherhood, and really that is it isn’t it that it is an ever changing role with our children evolving and life around us, nothing stays the same…to even think we will ever conquer it all and be a master of this experience is unrealistic - thank you for that reminder 🙌🏻❤️

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Absolutely!!Mothering our own way.

You are so right, everything is constantly changing, yet we are made to feel like we have to master motherhood, or get to this end goal where we will suddenly have it figured out. Here's to not having it all figured out and being OK with that! xx

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