Jun 23Liked by Jenna Folarin, Aleks Balazy-Knas

Thank you both for this lovely interview. I loved reading how Aleks brings creativity very much into the everyday with her children. I also really loved the advice for mothers as I think many of us find ourselves beating ourselves up for things that are less than perfect. I have started trying to look at everything with a wider lens, I.e. across a week or longer rather than focusing on things that were not ideal on a specific day. Thank you again both! xx

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So glad you enjoyed this interview Lyndsay. I loved that part too about the everyday creativity with the kids, there's so many ways that we are creative as mums without realising it too. That's such great advice to look across the week or longer instead of focusing on a specific day that didn't go so well. And often there's actually so much that did go well in the day, it's just the hard parts tend to overshadow it.

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You're welcome Lyndsay 😊 Thank you for reading and great to here that parts of the interview resonated with you!

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Jun 23Liked by Jenna Folarin, Aleks Balazy-Knas

Loved these words from Aleks. I think it’s so valuable to have those moments of creativity that are just for play and with no intentional product at the end of it. Painting with the kids is a great excuse for it. 🙌🏻❤️

Just trying to not lose my head when the sofa gets covered in paint as it did the other day, as I was absorbed in my play and not watching the youngest very well. It’s come out in the wash at least 😂

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I loved that part too Kylie, creativity for the enjoyment of it and not for the outcome. Nightmare about your sofa!! It's the mess isn't it, but if there's mess at least they've had fun!! I did a youtube watercolour beginners class with the kids a while back and really enjoyed that, something to think about over the summer holidays...

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Oh yes, paint is a big trigger for my anxiety 😂

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