I’m constantly unravelling new triggers it seems… once I get a handle on one a little the onion revels another layer! lol! Compassion always wins though and giving ourselves permission to be a work in progress always. Lovely post thank you xx

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Gosh yes, same!! I think that even though they are new triggers, getting a handle on the ones before can help you deal with the new ones. And yes, compassion always, it's amazing how different we can feel when we offer a few kind words to ourselves. So glad you enjoyed this post xx

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Yes, the onion of parenting triggers! Absolutely this 😊

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The onion 😂 so true!

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Love how you’ve reframed the choosing of rest over chores at the end of the day. I often feel guilty for not being more prepared. But that’s just not me…

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Choosing rest over chores, always. Or failing that, resting first, then doing chores - need to constantly remind ourselves that we are way above the chores on the list of priorities. I'm glad it's not just me who isn't more prepared, just getting through the day is enough, let alone thinking about what I've got to do the next day!

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Thank you for this Jenna - I so often have this voice saying 'there's not enough time' and it causes me SO much stress. Saying to myself 'you have enough time' will be so much more soothing to my nervous system. Hard to remember, but I will try!

Also thank you so much for sharing my piece on grief. Your tag didn't come up in my notifications but luckily I read your post and saw it :) xxx

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It is so stressful rushing around isn't it, you try to go faster but it just ends up making everything even more muddled. It makes a big difference just that kinder voice in your head, instead of the one that tells you to go faster and do more. You are welcome, you write so beautifully Ellie. I think a few people are having issues with tags lately, I saw something on Notes earlier so it may be that xxx

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What a lovely read and right on time, Jenna! I've learned that I am much more vulnerable to my triggers when I am sick and sleep deprived. Being sick triggers a fear of illness that I have coped with for most of my life, and I am now trying to learn how to navigate this new terrain as a mother. But reading your post was a good and much needed reminder to try to bring awareness to those triggers in the moment, rather than become defeated by them. And I'm so happy and proud that you were able to meet your goal of meditating five times this week! Whoohooo! It's so heartening to know that you have found value in the challenge. Thank you for sharing with us and including me in your writing.

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Thank you Summer - yes that's so true about your triggers feeling worse when you are running on empty. That must be really hard for you, because kids get ill so often don't they. Absolutely, just being aware of what your triggers are can help in the moment, realising that, OK this is a pattern and it kind of takes the power away from them too. Thank you - I'm so pleased! I'm a week behind you but week 2 is going well, I want to keep it going over the summer holidays too because it feels so good to start the day with a few moments of calm. x

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I hope you can continue. 💛

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Ah thanks for the shout out Jenna 🤩This was a well timed post for me to read this morning - I struggled with a big trigger myself yesterday around one of my kids not joining in and trying and even though I knew my reacting negatively in the moment wasn’t helpful (and was rooted in stuff from my own childhood) I found it so hard not to. I really like reframing these triggers in a positive way. I actually ended up chatting to another mum and sharing how I was feeling and even just saying it out loud felt like it took the sting out of it and I could instantly be kinder to myself. Love your insights 😍

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You are welcome Vicki, loved your post! It is so hard in the moment isn't it, and especially when you are in social situations and you feel that pressure. It's very hard. I'm so glad that chatting to another mum really helped you in that moment too - you are right saying it loud can bring some clarity as it's hard to pull apart those thoughts when we are in our head. x

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