Feb 7Liked by Jenna Folarin

Sounds so beautiful Jenna! I feel so drawn to the 'cocoon' word and all of the imagery that brings up. It feels so warm and nurturing. I also have some new direction coming for my substack next week too.. excited to share and chat with you about it because there's some crossover in the things we love to write about. Love seeing the way you show up and connect on here xx

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Thank you Emily ❤️ - absolutely warm and nurturing and just a safe, inviting space. Excited to hear more about your change in direction too ✨️, it's so nice to give ourselves that freedom and permission to write about what feels good. Thank you, that's lovely, right back at you Emily! X

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Feb 12Liked by Jenna Folarin

I love when you said to show up, even with the chaos of the kids in the background. That is my life right now, and I appreciated reading that encouragement!!

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Thank you Kay - yes, even with the chaos, even though it's hard, I feel like writing is the calm in the chaos for me. Actually right now, I'm writing this as my kids are running around the lounge!! I'm so encouraged by the amount of mums on here that are doing the same, writing in the tiny moments when we can.

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Jenna, I loved reading this and seeing you honour yourself, your time and energy. The two monthly offerings and their themes feel absolutely perfect, I am so looking forward to absorbing them when the time comes xx

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Thank you so much Lyndsay, I'm so glad you like the sound of them both. It's hard finding that balance isn't it of being creative and not completely overloading yourself. I'm still learning, I think we all are, as we adapt to the changes in routine as the kids get older. xx

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Absolutely learning and finding flexibility with the way things evolve xx

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This sounds really lovely Jenna ❤️🥰 xx

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Thank you Zoe ❤️ xx

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Feb 4Liked by Jenna Folarin

So looking forward to all of this Jenna!

I’ve also been journalling a bit this jan and I have found it so useful. I hope I can still keep making time for it as you say our time is limited but it has been so beneficial.

I love both the ideas of the cocoon and the remembering. I feel similar my post about the invisible woman- feeling more sure in myself and who I am will be help me take things like that on the chin a bit more. And I feel like I’m in a bit of a cocoon whilst I’m with my kids actually letting ideas percolate and develop and when I get chance to actually write or do all that cocoon time has been useful. ❤️🙌🏻

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Thank you so much Kylie-Ann!

I'm so glad you've had some time for journalling too, it's amazing what kind of a difference it can make, just having somewhere to write down the stress of the day I find helps. It's when you can see and feel the benefits of it that it feels easier to continue with it.

I'm so glad you like the sound of both of the monthly posts too.

Your post about the invisible woman was fantastic - feeling invisible is my main trigger for mum rage, you described it all so accurately. I totally get that, having that self-belief and self-compassion helps you ride the storms a bit more. Yes, I feel that too with being in a cocoon when I'm with the kids too. I'm so glad it resonated. It's like, you never know do you when you post something if it's going to resonate, so always nice and encouraging when it does. Hope you've had a lovely weekend x

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Feb 4Liked by Jenna Folarin

Yes exactly you have to do the thing to find if it works right? Write it, do it… I think Substack is great for giving it a go

And going with the flow.. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Love this!! I’m feeling called to take a little writing break for a few weeks and this has given me a little nudge to do so in honour of my creativity and ideas!! Adore your plan, can’t wait to read more. Xx

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Thank you Lauren! Love that you are having a bit of time to let your creativity and ideas settle in, it feels really nourishing to give yourself that space doesn't it. I'm so glad you like the sound of the new posts, just need to write them now!! Feels good to have a loose plan at least. Hope you have had a lovely weekend.

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deletedFeb 9Liked by Jenna Folarin
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Thank you Luisa! So glad you liked this, absolutely gentle action-taking feels so much better than unrealistic expectations doesn't it.

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