Oct 9, 2023Liked by Jenna Folarin

Thank you for the shout out! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Also love that quote by Elizabeth Gilbert you included. You’re so right.

Aaand also just started Beckham and just finished sex education haha! In sync

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It's such a wonderful post. In sync with our Netflix choices! I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the Beckham documentary

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Jenna Folarin

We are still part way through! Shall continue the journey tonight

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Ahhh thank you so much for sharing the Yoga Nidra... I hope you enjoy it when you get to receive it.

I wholeheartedly agree with needing that space to be witnessed in all of the many pieces that make up Motherhood. I’m so grateful I’ve had held safe spaces I can express it all... it has helped me so much. Sounds like you have beautiful ideas to cultivate this more! Xxx

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You are welcome, such a generous gift!

I'm so glad this post resonated. It's so lovely to hear that you've had those safe spaces to express yourself too, it makes such a difference I think. Yes, definitely looking forward to holding more retreats and seeing where it all goes!

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Thank you for sharing the circle ❤️

A Monday morning gathering sounds magic too ✨🥰

I have so many thoughts on season 4 of Sex Education 😆 I loved the portrayal of Jean struggling but found some of it so hard and wrong. Especially when you compare it to the support and understanding Maive got for her grief... watch out for my Substack post on it 😂

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You are welcome, looking forward to coming along ❤️. Glad you like the sound of the Monday morning gathering too!! I know what you mean, it was a mixed bag wasn't it, looking forward to reading your post on it 😀

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